Wordless Wednesday — Why I Can’t Live in LA

23 Apr


Literally.  Smog.  My eyes were burning.  My chest tightened up.  Driving through this was agony.

4 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday — Why I Can’t Live in LA”

  1. Pam 23 April, 2008 at 2:59 am #

    I haven’t been there is 31 years (OMG time goes fast), and it was bad then. I can only imagine how it is today.

  2. Liza Lee Miller 23 April, 2008 at 5:16 am #

    Well, to be fair, the smog is totally different than it used to be. You don’t get that yellowish brown color that it always used to be. Greg grew up there and was pleased to see the color of the smog. It was a little bit browner than my picture shows but not like it used to be. But, it goes into places he remembers being smog-free as a kid.

  3. robin andrea 23 April, 2008 at 5:49 am #

    My family moved from NJ to California in 1970, and I remember how much my eyes stung from the yellowish brown smog of those days. It was bleak. The air is still not clean there, but it is improved.

  4. vicki 23 April, 2008 at 2:29 pm #

    eeee- no! It’s bad enough living in a fairly “green” very urban environment. Rich lived there until five years ago and his description of the highways and pollution is grim.

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