The Raven’s Song

29 Jun

Raven near my house

The raven caws behind my house.
Is he singing a song of love to his mate?
A harsh, discordant song of love.

8 Responses to “The Raven’s Song”

  1. Beth 29 June, 2008 at 1:41 am #

    I always enjoy your raven posts and pictures–I love ravens too.

  2. Pam 29 June, 2008 at 3:26 am #

    What a pretty photo! And a great poem!

  3. Crafty green Poet 29 June, 2008 at 6:28 am #

    Wonderful photo and words. Reminds me a little of Ted Hughes’ story about the house sparrow and its simple chirps being a ‘psalm of joy’. (If you’ve never read Ted Hughes’ book How the Whale Became and the others in the series, I can recommend them as a wonderful read, they’re children’s books about animals but everyone can enjoy them

  4. amarkonmywall 29 June, 2008 at 7:01 am #

    Ya, Rich and I are singing like that to each other this morning. Think I’ll go out for a walk :-). I’ve been cravin’ a raven over here so thanks for delivering.

    (Some of your commentors are so dumb they keep putting comments UNDER the post so they show up on the previous one, apropos of absolutely nothing. Sigh.)

  5. Liza Lee Miller 29 June, 2008 at 7:54 am #

    Do you all know the joy it gives me when my poems speak to you? I feel like Sally Fields at the Oscars and that, my friends, is not an image I care to apply to myself but there you go.

    CGP – you opened a whole new world for me. I just went to Amazon and looked up Ted Hughes — wow. Love his poems. I put two books on my Wishlist. As a teacher who focuses on poetry as a way to get kids to improve their writing — his stuff is genius and I have to get it soon!

    Vicki – Glad that you and Rich have the love song of a Raven going. Raven Cravings — I like that! Very cool.

    As for my commentors . . . not sure it’s dumb as efficient — they read a couple of posts and put all their comments in one so as to save time and effort. See, efficient! I am QUITE sure I have no dumb commentors!

  6. Miz S 29 June, 2008 at 3:55 pm #

    Gorgeous photo, Liza!

    I keep looking for ravens but I don’t see any.

  7. mon@rch 29 June, 2008 at 5:32 pm #

    How splendid this is! Wish our Ravens were this friendly!

  8. Clare 4 July, 2008 at 12:03 pm #

    You know my love of Ravens Liza Lee. Perhaps because they are my constant companions I don’t find the song discordant at all. I’m constantly amazed at all their different voices, and they often surprise me with new ones.

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