Ravens are my thing . . .

6 Jan

I think the word is out that I like Ravens.  I guessed that after this Christmas.  Not only did I get that wonderful mug I shared a few days back, but I also got a beautiful Raven print from my mother.  And, then, out of the blue, a package came from a friend I only know online.  Phyllis and I have sons the same age and met through an email list of other mother’s who were due to have babies in January 2000.  The mailing list is still active although I only have time to read it occasionally.  Phyllis and I have similar interests in books and quilts and so when we both started blogging, we both supported each other’s blogs.

Phyllis is an avid sewer and used to work in a fabric store.  She makes clothes and quilts and is very, very handy with a needle and thread.  She saw this fabric with flying black birds all over it and thought of me.  She hemmed it into a scarf and sent it off to me.  I love it.  Enough to post this picture!  🙂

My new scarf!

Phyllis is also a once and future novelist.  She is the one person I know who successfully wrote her 50,000 words in NaNoWriMo.  In fact, I think she topped 75,000 words which is really a little show-offy, don’t you think?  I’d be jealous and annoyed except that she has 3 kids, including a daughter who was born in 2008.  Phyllis amazes me and gives me hope that I can do it too!

Thank you again, Phyllis!  You rock!

4 Responses to “Ravens are my thing . . .”

  1. robin andrea 6 January, 2009 at 6:49 am #

    You are definitely the raven queen, and what a great gift. Phyllis does indeed rock!

  2. Pam 6 January, 2009 at 4:04 pm #

    Very cool scarf!!!

  3. amarkonmywall 6 January, 2009 at 4:18 pm #

    That’s quite a lovely unkindness-ur-kindness you have about your neck. Very nice, very nice. Ravens become you!

  4. beth 6 January, 2009 at 6:38 pm #

    Oh, I love ravens. My husband does as well, and was very disappointed in me when I decided with a butterfly theme for the wedding, instead of a raven and dove theme! Anyway, love the scarf–very cool!

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